Labels:airplane | cabinet | cd rom | clock | crt screen | curtain | door | light | monitor | person | screen | sky | tower | windowpane OCR: STAR THE GEnERAnOn Interactive Technical Manual STAR TREK TM nd 1995 Paramount related Putures properties All Rights are Reserved trademarks of STAR TREK and Schuster Schustel Mictosoft Inc. Interactive Pictures registered Windows 1995 is a trademark a division of Simon a trademark Simon of anc Microsoft registered Corporation of Apple Macintosh Apple Computer QuickTime Inc. Logo are Inc. QuickTime used trademarks of and under the Camputer, is a inc, license Al Rights trademark of Made with reserved Macromedia Macromedia Developed by IMERGYO IMERGY a registered trademar of the PC CD ROM Imergist Inc ISBN: 0 671 57600 GanEannon STAF Puures Aigh cTime